How Many Candidates Are Enough to Decide Your Next Steps?

When is enough, enough? In the search for good talent in a tight job market, how will you know your candidate funnel is full enough? When is it time to stop taking new resumes, concentrate on interviewing and hopefully, negotiate an offer? The answer is: It depends. When Do You Need to Hire? Ask the… Read More »

Why Soft Skills Are Critical for Cloud Architects

Old school developers who can work quietly in their coding cubicle and then trot out periodically with some Python or even Cobol script are a dying breed. That’s because the 2019 software developer must have client-facing soft skills to solve end-user problems and launch products. Soft skills are the ones that enable a developer to… Read More »

Found Your Perfect Candidate? Consider Being Flexible

The current job market is nerve-wracking for everyone except candidates. Low unemployment has made for an intensely competitive market, particularly in the technology sector. That means employers need to be increasingly creative in their approach to recruiting and making the offer. Today, time is of the essence. By the time you’ve made it through the… Read More »

Is Your Culture Attractive to Candidates?

Employers already know how much money is lost every time an employee leaves. The cost is higher now because it’s taking longer to find replacement employees in such a tight employment market. Why do employees leave? There are a host of reasons, but culture was identified as a big driver of employee turnover as far… Read More »

The Tight Labor Pool and Its Effect on You

How is a 4 percent unemployment market affecting your job search? While employers are grousing about the tight labor pool and talent wars are forcing companies to offer more to attract better candidates, how does today’s unprecedented low unemployment rate affect the job seeker? The Advantages of Low Unemployment The low unemployment rate in the… Read More »