Okay, developers, the days of hiding in your cubicle are over. Most IT job candidates understand the importance of working with a team to complete a complex software or hardware project. But sometimes, it’s hard to build these bridges between teams. So how can you develop effective work relationships, even if you’re working remotely? This article will help you understand how to create effective work relationships.
How to Play Well with the Rest of Your Team
Building effective work relationships is a process. You have to maintain these relationships over time because, without attention, they can atrophy. You can do a few things every day to nurture these bonds with coworkers. For example:
Don’t Be A Complainer, Be A Fixer
Identifying a problem (or several problems) is easy. But all that negativity can drag everyone down. Instead, try to bring solutions to the table to solve problems. Over time, the team will look to you as a positive part of the group. Your coworkers will respect and want to work with you.
Never Throw Someone Under The Bus
The blame game destroys trust and erodes relationships. Identifying the people working on a project is okay but focus on fixing the issue by learning from the mistake rather than who might’ve caused it. Everyone is human. Everyone makes mistakes. Pointing fingers and disparaging your coworkers will in no way endear you to them.
Improve Your Communication Skills
Don’t talk down to your coworkers—ever. Treat everyone with kindness and strive to improve your communication with everyone around you. Watch your body language or other subtle clues that employees pick up on and may interpret as a lack of respect. Of course, never lose your temper. Take a break if you need to but do your best not to let your frustrations show.
You know you shouldn’t blindside your boss—or we hope you know that. But it would help if you also take care not to surprise coworkers. For example, if you have a problem and it’s your coworker’s fault or responsibility, do not call them out in a staff meeting. Instead, talk with them privately, or if you don’t feel comfortable one-on-one, include a manager in the conversation. Ambushing another employee will make everyone else a little wary of you, and forming alliances with your teammates will be more challenging.
Follow Through With Your Word
Finally, do what you say you will do. If you develop a reputation for failing to follow through on your promises, your coworkers will believe they cannot rely on you. In software, this can disrupt the entire project. Missing deadlines sometimes happens, but the team will view you as untrustworthy if you do it regularly. They’ll be less likely to engage because you may be getting the work done, but it’s not on your promised schedule. The idea here is to deliver on the promise you make. Anything less makes for a problematic relationship with your team, particularly because IT is a team sport.
Check Out Blackstone Talent Group To Learn More!
Sometimes a fresh start is what you need to improve your relationships at work. If you’re struggling to build meaningful relationships at work, perhaps a change of environment is a good idea. Blackstone Talent Group works closely with IT candidates to help them find a better fit. Call on us today. We’re here to help.