Many people are wondering right now if automation is going to take over their jobs. IT isn’t immune to this line of thinking, even while developers apply machine learning algorithms that make software more intelligent and efficient. Some worry that the role of the network engineer will disappear over time. This blog will look at whether there will still be a place at the table for these professionals in the near future.
What is a Network Engineer?
Network engineers are generally required to know at least the basics about a staggeringly wide array of topics. Their job is to keep the flow of information running smoothly between hardware and software systems while keeping up with an ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape to ensure that data isn’t hijacked. The computer networks they service can be in the cloud or on-premise. These networks are the backbone of everything from firewalls to voice systems to computers to the software we use daily.
A network engineer’s duties run the gamut from designing new network architectures, purchasing and configuring the necessary equipment and software, and deploying them in a business. In addition, they often merge existing networks and troubleshoot them to keep them running. They generally work with third-party vendors, suppliers, customers, and internal end-users. It is not unusual for skilled network engineers to work directly with company stakeholders like the CIO, CFO, or even the CEO.
Given the importance of all these duties, is the worry that automation will take away this job realistic? The answer, it turns out, is complicated.
Do Network Engineers Have a Future?
The projected job growth for network engineers in the next few years stands at about 4%. However, that doesn’t mean the job isn’t going to change radically in the years ahead. Businesses will continue to need network engineers, but they’ll be looking for candidates with new skills as networks increasingly shift to cloud architectures, security evolves, and how we interact with these tools changes.
That’s good news for network engineers because their jobs will remain in demand. And while artificial intelligence will eventually automate basic tasks, the network will still need someone to manage it effectively.
The many changes we’ve seen over the past decade are nothing new to a seasoned network engineer. These professionals have seen a lot, from the growth of cloud computing to the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats to the rise of the remote IT worker. These phenomena are just all in a day’s work for a good network engineer.
What Skills Would Prepare You for Tomorrow’s Network Engineering Jobs?
We recommend a few areas for your growth and learning to stay on top of the changes we anticipate in the network engineering field. For example:
• Learn more about cloud deployments, virtual machines, and containerization.
• Learn more scripting in Python, SQL, or other computer languages.
• Stay on top of the latest cybersecurity threats.
We believe that network engineers should not fear that increasing automation will put them out of work. However, keeping your skills current as you plan for the future will be vital to staying ahead of that automation.
Blackstone Technology Group wants to help you plan for that future. We work one-on-one with network engineers to place them in lucrative positions with collaborative, intelligent teams. So please take the next step by viewing our available jobs and applying online today.