Strengthen Your Employer Brand With These 5 Tips

It’s common to read about the concept of the brand as it relates to marketing a product or service. But a brand can also relate to an organization or employer, particularly when recruiting for new positions in the company. In competitive hiring markets, your employer brand may be what separates you from other firms looking… Read More »

Is Your Culture Attractive to Candidates?

Employers already know how much money is lost every time an employee leaves. The cost is higher now because it’s taking longer to find replacement employees in such a tight employment market. Why do employees leave? There are a host of reasons, but culture was identified as a big driver of employee turnover as far… Read More »

The Tight Labor Pool and Its Effect on You

How is a 4 percent unemployment market affecting your job search? While employers are grousing about the tight labor pool and talent wars are forcing companies to offer more to attract better candidates, how does today’s unprecedented low unemployment rate affect the job seeker? The Advantages of Low Unemployment The low unemployment rate in the… Read More »

Skills Required for a DevOps Engineer

Just thinking about the title, “Development and Operations Engineer” (DevOps), you might recognize the position as a bridge between the creation and deployment of a complicated software product. TechTarget says, “A DevOps Engineer must know how to manage the IT infrastructure that’s needed to support software code in dedicated, multi-tenant or hybrid cloud environments.” Some… Read More »

Contract to Hire vs. Perm: Pros and Cons

There are all kinds of ways to work today. From freelancing or contract work, permanent placement, contract-to-hire, and more, it can be hard for a job candidate to sort out the benefits and drawbacks of each of these types of employment. Employers can be confused about which arrangement could benefit their organization. This article discusses… Read More »

The Tight Labor Market and You

How can the tight labor market affect you and the quality of your candidates? Knowledge workers are in high demand these days. Companies struggle to find skilled workers in a labor market that has the lowest unemployment rate since 2000. We’re sorry to say things are only going to get worse. A new report says… Read More »