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The Key to Getting Over Your Imposter Syndrome

Have you heard the expression, “Fake it till you make it?” There’s a reason this phrase is popular. Imposter syndrome, or the idea that you don’t really deserve to be in the position you’re in, is a common feeling for anyone new to their career. But it’s particularly prevalent in knowledge workers coming straight out of their educational career and into a real-life job opportunity.

We hear about imposter syndrome a lot in IT. New tech workers know exactly how little they understand the ever-changing field. But imposter syndrome can be alleviated with another expression—you eat an elephant one bite at a time—which is exactly how you learn and grow in your new IT career.

Here are some tips if you’re new to IT or trying to learn new things and feel like an imposter.

What is IT Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon characterized by persistent self-doubt, inadequacy, or the fear of being exposed as a fraud. Around the globe, nearly 62% of IT workers feel like an imposter. This feeling isn’t logical; despite the evidence, your self-doubt is a potentially crippling hiccup that could prevent you from working to your full potential.

People with imposter syndrome feel they don’t belong in their position or aren’t good enough to get the job done. They may believe luck got them the job rather than their abilities and work ethic. At its best, imposter syndrome is a nagging feeling that makes you nervous. At its worst, anxiety can cause stress and a lack of confidence, negatively affecting your job performance.

How Can IT Workers Overcome Imposter Syndrome?

You can overcome imposter syndrome with these activities:

Blackstone Talent Group matches top IT talent (that’s you!) with the best employers. Let’s fight your imposter syndrome together by finding you your next IT job. Contact us. We can help.

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