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The Easiest Ways to Get Your Security Clearance Denied

If you’ve applied for a security clearance recently you know the reality of the process: It’s easier to get denied than it is to get approved. It’s the secret that a lot of security clearance candidates won’t tell you. This blog will help you understand the most common mistakes we see candidates making. Here’s what not to do when applying for a security clearance.

Don’t Do These Things When Applying for Security Clearance

Personal conduct is one of the areas we typically see tripping up security clearance candidates. The government has clear guidelines on this that include the candidate failing to honestly disclose issues that would affect their security clearance application. This could include:

However, refusing to comply with the process isn’t the biggest reason for failing the security application process. Sometimes a simple lack of documentation or forgetting to fill out a section is a common snag that many candidates experience. Typically, we see the following items commonly missing from security clearance paperwork:

Some of your other “don’t” for your security clearance application include:

If you think this process is designed to trip you up, you’re right. The reality is that a good portion of people that apply for security clearance have to do it multiple times before they even are accepted into the process. It’s terribly frustrating because it’s so easy to transpose a number or miss a section that you mean to go back to later. Even putting your name on the form is tricky; if your legal name has initials use them and enter “I/O” after. If you have no middle name you must put “NMN” after your name. There are rules for how you enter date of birth, too, with the required formatting being month/day/year.

Some other common mistakes we see include:

The security clearance application process is maddening, we know. But it is very achievable as long as you follow the rules.

Blackstone Talent Group works with security clearance professionals in the IT world to help them find the best jobs. If you need help finding and then moving on to your next job opportunity, we can help. Contact us.

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